Dear Experts
I am facing a Problem with the new Start Application for P&F FPM based forms.
We are on EHP 7 EA-HR 607/33 - BF HCM_ASR_CI_ 1 - 5 are all active
I implemented the Start application asr_process_start_ovp directly in the PCD (we are not using the launchpad) for the HR Administrator (HRASRA)
The iView is set for System SAP_HCM (SAP_HCM ist linked to our HR System HR3)
Problem In Short: the iview calls a pop-up when i want to open a process - how/where can i configure this second iview/pop-up?
More Details:
I can search for employees without any Problem, the correct processes are displayed in the context menu but when you click on one / want to open one a pop-up is called to open the process.
Within this pop-up i recieve an error that the requested iview does not exist (error 404). When i call the Service directly from the ERP (not over Portal/PCD) the pop-up just works perfectly fine and opens the respective Form / process)
I analized the Situation further and figured out the following behaviour:
When called directly from the backend, the Service automatically opens the application asr_process_execute_ovp with the corresponding Parameters to start the process. so everything is perfectly fine.
When called from the pcd it opens the iview (located within common parts Directory) lpd_start_wd_abap and attached with all Parameters to call asr_process_execute_ovp as well. BUT with one tiny Little Problem The System is set to SAP_ECC_HUMANRESOURCES which is linked to another HR System then our SAP_HCM - hence the error because the System just doesn't have that particular application
So how / where can i configure the pop-up? i tried OBN - Display form etc. from the Business object employee, i tried changing the System in the launchpads from HR3 - HRASR PROCESSES etc. but that didn¨t have any effect (apperently the process list is generated automatically from the process start customizing, so i don't see the Need for the launchpad in the first place...)
Further i tried Setting those Parameters directly in the iview lpd_start_wd_abap but that doesn't have an affect either because it is overwritten by the paramters posted from the start application.
i looked in the configuration for the start application but there also seems to be no possibility to Change the parameters.
My next guess would be that the Parameters for the pop-up are hardcoded in the Feeder class. but i would rather not Change that.
Can anyone push me in a direction what to try next? obviously one could link sap_ecc_humanresources to the proper System, but i fear that we run into other Problems with allready existing Services (having two HR System active is Kind of a hassle ) so i would rather configure the pop-up (specially because the System might not be the only Adaption we Need to do)
Thank you very much in advance for any help.