Hi Team,
I have a peculiar query, we are working for UK project. there we store pension details in infotype 0071 we also have many subtypes for it.
customer request is like they have one pension fund valid for some period and another pension fund for someother period.
For example.
Employee has pension fund called G1 from 01.01.2014 to 31.12.9999, after he moved some other pension fund called G2 it becomes valid from 01.08.2014 to 31.12.9999 and G1 pension fund delimited to 31.07.2014, like that we have many pension funds and it goes on.
when user enters PA30 and choose infotype 71 and give us overview mode, the delimited records are coming first and current valid record at last. So client feels they will have to scroll down all the time to go down and choose the valid record. i feel it arranges on ascending order depends on Subtype name. we start it from G1,G2,G3,G4 etc.
They are requesting us to change the order where valid records come first and delimited record goes at last.
Can this be done or is it SAP standard? can any one throw me some light ?