Hello All
Recently we realized that the existing Personnel Sub Areas using same holiday calendar no Longer works and decided to pick some Personnel Sub Areas(Grouped them in to two) and assigned two new Holiday calendars .
At this moment i know the ideal scenario should be to assign a new personnel Sub Areas for these folks to avoid the fuss(but we opted the path not taken by)
After making the above assignment in V_001P_ALL we have copied WSR with New holday calendar and have generated them effective Jan 2015
We have two issues now
Issue 1 # whenever we click on personal Wok Schedule icon on IT 0007 on records which date prior to 01/01/2015 we have error that Work Schedule not generated and new Holiday calendar is defaulted. If we change that to old Calendar it allows us to see the work schedule for the month
Issue 2 # When we enter absence which date prior to 01/01/2015 we have IINformation popup that Work Schedule not generated for HOLIDAYCALENDAR/PSA GROUPING/ESGGROUPING but we still can save the record.
We noticed that for Issue 3 we can avoid the Popup window by using A in the "Regenerate Work Schedule" field in T508A
Do you know for what this field will be used and if i set it to A what are the other thing i have to consider apart from Work Schedule generation
Appreciate your inputs