Hello SAPpers,
We've installed EHP7 and are using NWBC as our UI.
We have an issue in MSS when launching forms via the team viewer. When using the newer ASR_PROCESS_EXECUTE_OVP application only the old Adobe forms are showing and none of the SAP standard FPM forms show in the list.
We start the process via My Team: Select Employee -> Select Process - except none of the FPM based processes show. But if I configure a new item in the MSS launchpad to directly call a process, then it does launch:
- Role – MSS
- Instance – EMPLOYEE_MENU
- Create a new application by entering the following details:
- Application Type – Web Dynpro ABAP
- Name Space – sap
- System Alias – SAP_ECC_HumanResources
- Click Show Advanced Parameters and enter the following details:
- In Target App. Parameters, in addition to the parameters that are already there, enter the parameters as shown below:
- To pass the process enter the following parameters:PERNR_MEM_ID &SUBST_CLASSIFICATION=NO_CLASS&PROCESS=<Process_Name>&INITIATOR_ROLE=HRASRB
- In Target App. Parameters, in addition to the parameters that are already there, enter the parameters as shown below:
Any ideas why the FPM forms do not show in the start application ASR_PROCESS_EXECUTE_OVP?