Hi Experts,
I have a requirement, which is“Payroll Register” program based on the standard SAP program “H99CWTR0” (Wage Type Reporter). I need to keep the same processing logic and need to change the output layout based on radio button selection:
i) Detail By Employee or ii) Summary By Cost Center.
I have two options: 1) To copy & modify the std wagetype report(H99CWTR0) or
2) To work on custom report from scratch to fetch the wagetypes with Retro-active results.
Which one would be better option.?? and if it is option-1 then guide me the overview steps to do.
1. The values of Std. Wagetype report and my custom report should be same.
2. Only 'IN-View Payroll period' results options to be considered.
3. Fetch wagetypes from T512W table.