Hi Colleagues,
We are trying to implement Management of Global Employees for generating the Person iD.
We are not going to use this for Payroll Calculations just for getting the Global Employee differentiated.
I have some doubts and errors while working on this. So if you all can help me in getting understand the concept and also removing some of the errors that i am getting.
1.I am generating Person id with option of 2 means keeping the first personnel number as Person ID. we have some reports where we are using the concept of CP in order to find an employee. Once the employee moves to new country and new personnel assignment , how those reports will be affected, Will the new personnel assignment number will also have its own CP and the only way to determine the link between two of them is PERSON ID?
2. While Running Action 81 for Assignment Planning , I have inserted 0001 in INS mode. WHen i run the action i get the error message
Data record 010039760002 | 9999123119471111000 has grouping value "" instead of "10" |
Can you tell me how to remove this error. i have tried to run RPUFIXDS report but it doesnt give any error.
3 I have kept action 81/82/83/84 for the MGE.
81- Will keep my current personnel assignment active but creates new Personnel Assignment number in Withdrawn status
82- Host Activation- It will change my new personnel assignment number to Active status
83- Home Activation(withdrawn)Anotheraction will be required to change my home assignment number to withdrawn status. This needs to be done together with running action 82.
A normal Termination action will be required for the host personnel assignment to be withdrawn.
84- Home Activation( active)- A final action on Home assignment to make it back to active.
Is the above sequence correct? Why do we require to run MGE_ACTIVATIon report.? is there any other steps being missed in the above flow?