Dear Experts,
As you know, Madhya Pradesh P Tax is Annual basis and it (2013 - 2014) slab as follows,
Emp Annul Gross | P Tax deduction (Annual) | Monthly Deduction |
Less than 1,50,000 | No Deduction | Nil |
From 1,50,000 to 1,79,999 | 1,500 | 125 month |
Above 1,80,000 | 2,500 | 208 & 11th month 212 |
For Example :
An MP Employee's Annual Gross salary is 7,50,000, (monthly Gross = 62,500),
First 3 months (Apr, May & June) he worked in MP then in 4th month (July) he transfred to Bangalore,
So, as per slab first 3 months, P tax deducted 208*3 = 624
First 3 months Emp earned Gross 62,500*3 = 1,87,500
But as per P tax slab, if an emp's gross exceed < (more than) 1,80,000, it supposed to deducted 2,500,
but, here though emp earned more than 1,80,00, his Ptax deducted only 624,
So, remaining amount (2500 - 624) = 1876 need to be recoverd while preform Transfer action before employee leave from Madhya Pradesh,
Please provide the information to reach this scenario,
Thank you,